Jesus the savior

Arb. Fulton Sheen on Temptations
Homosexual ceremony in a Basilica of Buenos Aires
10 Reason to Reject Socialism
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Our Lady of La Salette
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God's Mercy is a calling to repentance and conversion
Chaplet of Divine Mercy
A Soldier in Spiritual Warfare
The Pains of Hell
The Abuse of the Mercy of God
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10 Reason to Reject Socialism

10 Reasons to Reject Socialism By TFP Student Action


Why we must protect the family, private property and America from the dangers of socialism.

1. Socialism and communism are the same ideology

Communism is but an extreme form of socialism. From the ideological standpoint, there is no substantial difference between the two. In fact, the communist Soviet Union called itself the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1922-1991) and communist China, Cuba and Vietnam define themselves as socialist nations.

2. Socialism violates personal freedom

Socialism seeks to eliminate "injustice" by transferring rights and responsibilities from individuals and families to the State. In the process, socialism actually creates injustice. It destroys true liberty: the freedom to decide all matters that lie within our own competence and to follow the course shown by our reason, within the laws of morality, including the dictates of justice and charity.

3. Socialism violates human nature

Socialism is anti-natural. It destroys personal initiative – a fruit of our intellect and free will – and replaces it with State control. It tends to totalitarianism, with its government and police repression, wherever it is implemented.

4. Socialism violates private property

Socialism calls for "redistributing the wealth" by taking from the "rich" to give to the poor. It imposes taxes that punish those who have been able to take greater advantage of their productive talents, capacity to work or thrift. It uses taxation to promote economic and social egalitarianism, a goal that will be fully achieved, according to The Communist Manifesto, with the "abolition of private property."

5. Socialism opposes traditional marriage

Socialism sees no moral reason for people to restrict sex to marriage, that is, to an indissoluble union between a man and a woman. Furthermore, socialism undermines private property, which Friedrich Engels, founder of modern socialism and communism along with Karl Marx, saw as the foundation of traditional marriage.

6. Socialism opposes parental rights in education

Socialism has the State, and not parents, control the education of children. Almost from birth, children are to be handed over to public institutions, where they will be taught what the State wants, regardless of parental views. Evolution must be taught. School prayer must be forbidden.

7. Socialism promotes radical equality

A supposed absolute equality among men is the fundamental assumption of socialism. Therefore, it sees any inequality as unjust in itself. Private employers are quickly portrayed as "exploiters" whose profits really belong to their employees. As a consequence, they rule out the system of wage earning.

8. Socialism promotes atheism

Belief in God, who unlike us is infinite, omnipotent and omniscient, clashes head-on with the principle of absolute equality. Socialism therefore rejects the spiritual, claiming that only matter exists. God, the soul, and the next life are illusions according to socialism.

9. Socialism promotes relativism

For socialism there are no absolute truths or revealed morals that establish standards of conduct that apply to everyone, everywhere, and always. Everything evolves, including right and wrong, good and evil. There is no place for the Ten Commandments, neither in the private mind nor in the public square.

10. Socialism mocks religion

According to Karl Marx, religion is "the opium of the people." Lenin, founder of the Soviet Union, agreed: "Religion is opium for the people. Religion is a sort of spiritual booze in which the slaves of capital drown their human image, their demand for a life more or less worthy of man."

May God protect America from socialism.


 * * *

Blessed Francisco Jagerstatter had a dream where he saw a bright train loaded with passengers.  There were young children and adults that go to hell this train was identified by him as the ideology of National Socialism.  He found himself yelling at everyone get off the train before it reaches its final destination, at the same time he found even himself being persuaded and tempted by priests to climb into the train. 

Today this train to hell is brighter and faster; it seduces many to jump on the bandwagon and ride the road to hellEverywhere we can see how Socialism has captured the minds of many even priests who see this train as the solution of all problems of modern man.



It is curious that our Lady of La Salette who tells us that Rome will lose the faith and will host the Antichrist.  What she describes is a socialist society where each individual wants to govern itself where society promotes this as rebellion against God's law .

* "Given the neglect of the holy faith of God , each individual will want to be on his own and be superior to their peers .... the devil will use all his malice to introduce into religious orders persons given to sin .... The chiefs, the leaders of the people of God , have neglected prayer and penance , and the devil has darkened their minds , have become wandering stars which the old devil will drag along with his tail to make them perish ..... the civil governments will have the same plan , which will be to abolish and make every religious principle disappear , to make way for materialism, atheism, spiritualism and all sorts of vices ... be abolished civil and ecclesiastical powers , all order and all justice will be trampled  ... Everywhere will homicides , hate, jealousy , lying and discord , without love for country or for the family. "



These pages are for personal use and spiritual growth. Any other intended uses require written Autorization for use from originating source.

St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.



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