O good Jesus, I know that every perfect gift and, above all others, that of chastity depends on the powerful action of
Thy divine Providence; I know that without Thee a creature can do nothing. This is why I beseech Thee to defend, by Thy grace,
the purity of my soul and of my body. And if I have ever received any impression whatsoever of a sentiment capable of soiling
this ineffable virtue, do Thou, O supreme Master of my faculties, blot it out from my soul, that with a clean heart I may
advance in Thy love and in Thy service, offering myself chaste all the days of my life on the most pure altar of Thy divinity.
It is the Cross that I adore. The Cross of the Lord is with me. The Cross is my refuge. Amen.
Prayers to Obtain Purity
from the 1878 Raccolta
O Jesus, Son of the living God, brightness of eternal light, who from all eternity wast begotten most
pure in the bosom of the eternal Father, and who in time didst will to be born of a most pure and immaculate virgin: I, thy
most frail creature, with all my heart beseech Thee to preserve me pure in soul and body, and to make holy purity flourish
abundantly in Thy holy Church, for thy greater glory and the salvation of the souls redeemed by Thee.
O Mary ever virgin, most pure and immaculate daughter of the eternal Father, mother of the eternal Son,
spouse of the Holy Ghost, august and living temple of the most blessed Trinity, lily of purity, and mirror without spot: obtain
for me, O dear mother! from your good Jesus and mine, purity of soul and body; and beg of Him to make this virtue flourish
more and more in all classes of the faithful.
O most chaste spouse of Mary immaculate, who didst merit at the hands of God the singular honor of being
the foster-father of Innocence itself, Christ Jesus, and the spotless guardian of the Virgin of virgins: obtain for me the
love of Jesus, my God and Savior, and the special protection of Mary, my most holy mother; and procure, O holy Joseph, protector
of all chaste souls! that thy chosen virtue of holy purity be better loved by me and by all men.
And thou, all on fire with love for Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, model of Christian modesty and restorer in
your time of piety and good morals, our special advocate and example, S. Bernardino: present our prayers to the Holy Family,
and beg of them that, with piety and the fear of God, holy purity in soul and body may reign in all Christian families, and
in all who are children of the Holy Roman Church, our mother. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a rescript of the Sacred Penitentiary, Feb. 27, 1862, granted to all
the faithful, every time that, with at least contrite heart and devotion, they shall say these prayers to obtain holy purity:
An Indulgence Of Three Hundred Days.
“Let us consider how we can stir
up one another to love. Let us help one another to do good works. Let us not give up meeting together. Some are in the
habit of doing this. Instead, let us cheer each other up with words of hope. Let us do it all the more as you see the day
coming when Christ will return”. Hebrews 10:24-25
Prayer for Peace:
“Merciful Father, we are together on Earth, alone in the Universe.
Look at us, and help us to love one another. Teach us to understand each other, just as You understand us. Make our souls
as fresh as the morning. Make our hearts as innocent as the lamb. May we forgive each other, and forget the past. And may
we have peace inside, and in our world, today and forever. Amen.”.